How to convert PDF file to EXE file?
How to set the registration key for the output EXE file?
How to generate the registration key?
What does product mean?
Can I add Digital Signatures into output PDF exe?
My end user are not english man, Do you have any other language version?
I do not like your original message, for example I like change 'registration key' to 'password'. How can I do that?
I want to make a full protected PDF exe, and there is no limit, no registration need for end user. Everyone can play the PDF. How can I do that?
I want to make a trial version, it should has time limit. If the end user want to get full version, I send the full version PDF exe to him. How can I do that?
I want to make a protected PDF exe, only permited person can play the PDF. How can I do it?
I want to make a trial version, it should has some play time limit. If the end user wants to continue to play PDF , he must ask a new key, I can decide if he can play PDF again with some limit or without any limit. I will send the key to him. If he input the key correctly, he can play PDF again with some limit or without any limit. How can I do that?
Can I add a button in 'Please enter Registration key' dialog, when end user click the button, my website will open?
Can I do
do a search just same as in the real Adobe Reader( I installed
Adobe Reader X)?
How to convert PDF file to EXE file ?
1. Select the “conversion” bar
1) Click the right button of “Add Files” to select the PDF files you want convert.
2) Click the right button of “Executable output folder ” to specify the path which the EXE file outputs.
3) You can personalized your EXE file by “option”. Give the name of your PDF or write operation tips, define the size of the PDF player window, and so on.
2. Select the “logo setup” bar
1) Setup the logo of the output EXE file.
2) Specify the images and the effects of the images before and after playing the PDF.
3. If you want to set play time limit for your PDF, select "play time limit" bar and then click the left side checkbox of “Enable play time limit ”
1)Set "PDF expiry condition", you can choose one or multi conditions at one time.
2)Decide "If expiry condition arrives", what will be done in the next step.
when you want a website or a message appear, tape the website and the message.
4. If you want to set a Registration key for the output EXE file, select the “Registration” bar and then click the left side box of “Enable Registration” 1) Select “Registration Type” bar, define the registration type.
2) Select “Prompt note” bar, edit the prompt of registration.
3) Select “Localization” bar, edit the items of the registration dialog. 5. Select the “conversion” bar, click the button “convert”, after the conversion, you can click the button “preview” to preview the converted EXE file.
How to set the registration key for the output EXE file?
Step 1
Reference the picture on the right.
1. Select the “Registration” bar and then click the left side checkbox of “Enable Registration”.
1) Click “Product define ” bar and select product combinations.
what does product define mean? please see details.
1. after you finish the set, you can click the button "save as default" to save the set as default.
2. when you want to set the same Product define, click the button "load from default", the saved type will load. |
Step 2
Reference the picture on the right.
1) Select “Registration Type” bar.
2) If you want to set different registration key for different computer.
● Click the left side checkbox with the red circle mark.
● Fill numbers or letters as you like in “Special Seed”, and remember them, you will use them again when you generate the registration key for your users.
3) If you want to set the same registration key for every computer.
● Click the left side box with the green circle mark.
● Fill numbers or letters as registration key in “Registration key”.
4) Edit “Registration other option” with the yellow circle mark, you can edit them easily.
1. you can priview the registration dialog by click the button with the pink circle.
2. after you finish the set, you can click the button "save as default" to save the set as default.
when you want to set the same registration type, click the button "load from default", the saved type will load. |
Step 3
Reference the picture on the right.
Select “Prompt note” bar, edit the prompt message in the box of registration.
1. you can preview the registration dialog by click the button with the pink circle.
2. after you finish the set , you can click the button "save as default" to save the set as default.
when you want to set the same prompt note, click the button "load from default", the saved prompt note will load. |
Step 4
Reference the picture on the right.
Select “Localization” bar, edit the items of the registration dialog.
1. you can preview the registration dialog by click the button with the pink circle.
2. after you finish the set , you can click the button "save as default" to save the set as default.
when you want to set the same registration dialog, click the button "load from default", the saved item sets will load. |
How to generate the registration key?
Reference the picture on the right.
Select “generate registration key” bar.
1. copy or type the machine ID of the user.
2. type the "Special Seed" which you setted.
3. click the "Generate" button, a key will appear, copy the key and send it to your user.
After you finish type the "Specify Seed", you can click the button "save as default" to save the set as default.
when you want to set the same Seed, click the button "load from default", the saved Seed will load.
What does the product define mean?
When you convert a PDF file to exe with registration enabled, the output exe has a product id. if the output exes product id are same, it means the output exe is in a suit. if your uses input any one correct registration key, the others will not need input registration key again.
Can I add Digital Signatures into output PDF exe?
Yes, you can. If you add it to output PDF exe, you can:
Increase adoption and distribution of PDF exe downloads
Reduce error messages and security warnings
Protect users from downloading harmful files
My end user are not english man, Do you have any other language version?
There is no converter in any other language except English. but you can generate out PDF exe whit other language . Almost all message in output exe can be redifine, button caption in localzation tab can also setup. If you think its original message or information is not acceptable, you can change it as you like even with any other language of your own.
I do not like your original message, for example I like change 'registration key' to 'password'. How can I do that?
Almost all message in output exe can be redifine, if you think its original message or information is not acceptable, you can change it as you like. In your case, you can change 'registration key to 'password' in Localization tab.
I want to make a full protected PDF exe, and there is no limit, no registration need for end user. Everyone can play thePDF. How can I do that?
You can just check off 'Enable time limit' in Play time limit tab, check off '"Enable Registration' in Registration tab and then convert. The output exe is what you want.
I want to make a trial version, it should has time limit. If the end user want to get full version, I send the full version PDF exe to him. How can I do that?
In your case, firstly you can check on 'Enable time limit' in Play time limit tab, check off '"Enable Registration' in Registration tab, check on 'Add a try button' and then convert. The output exe is trial version PDF exe.
Secondly, you can check off 'Enable time limit' in Play time limit tab, check on '"Enable Registration' in Registration tab and then convert. The output exe is full version PDFo exe. After he input correct registration key, he can play the PDF in certation computer.
I want to make a protected PDF exe, only permited person can play the PDF. How can I do it?
You can check off 'Enable time limit' in Play time limit tab, check on '"Enable Registration' in Registration tab and then convert. The output exe is what you want.
I want to make a trial version, it should has some play time limit. If the end user wants to continue to play PDF , he must ask a new key, I can decide if he can play PDF again with some limit or without any limit. I will send the key to him. If he input the key correctly, he can play PDF again with some limit or without any limit. How can I do that?
You can check on 'Enable time limit' in Play time limit tab, check on '"Enable Registration' in Registration tab and then convert. check on 'Add a try button' in Localization tab. The output exe is what you want.
Can I add a button in 'Please enter Registration key' dialog, when end user click the button, my website will open?
You can check on ' Add get registration key'.
Can I do do a search just same as in the real Adobe Reader(I installed Adobe Reader X) ?
In order to protect your pdf, the tool bar of adobe reader is disable. if your adobe reader is verison X, you cannot do search work in tool bar, or press CTRL+F key( because it will show tool bar).
But you can mouse click telescope icon at left side of pdf document to do search work.